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Designing and Programming CICS Applications

리얼타임 eBook



  • 저자 :
  • 출간 : 2011-07-13
  • 페이지 : 414 쪽
  • ISBN : 9781565926769
  • 물류코드 :26769
  • 초급 초중급 중급 중고급 고급
0점 (0명)
좋아요 : 13

CICS is an application server that delivers industrial-strength, online transaction management for critical enterprise applications. Proven in the market for over 30 years with many of the world"s leading businesses, CICS enables today"s customers to modernize and extend their applications to take advantage of the opportunities provided by e-business while maximizing the benefits of their existing investments.

Designing and Programming CICS Applications will benefit a diverse audience. It introduces new users of IBM"s mainframe (OS/390) to CICS features. It shows experienced users how to integrate existing mainframe systems with newer technologies, including the Web, CORBA, Java, CICS clients, and Visual Basic; as well as how to link MQSeries and CICS.

Each part of Designing and Programming CICS Applications addresses the design requirements for specific components and gives a step-by-step approach to developing a simple application. The book reviews the basic concepts of a business application and the way CICS meets these requirements. It then covers a wide range of application development technologies, including VisualAge for Java, WebSphere Studio, and Visual Basic. Users learn not only how to design and write their programs but also how to deploy their applications.

Designing and Programming CICS Applications shows how to:

  • Develop and modify existing COBOL applications
  • Become familiar with the CICS Java environment and write a simple Java wrapper for a COBOL application
  • Develop a web front end using servlets, JSP and JavaBeans.
  • Link the web front end to an existing COBOL application using CORBA
  • Write a Visual Basic application to develop a customer GUI
  • Link an existing COBOL application using a CICS Client ECI call
  • Develop a Java application using Swing as an MQSeries Client
  • Use the MQSeries-CICS bridge to access an existing COBOL application

Whether for working with thousands of terminals or for a client/server environment with workstations and LANs exploiting modern technology such as graphical interfaces or multimedia, Designing and Programming CICS Applications delivers the power to create, modernize and extend CICS applications.

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    리얼타임 eBook 안내

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    * 도서명 :
    Designing and Programming CICS Applications
    * 제목 :
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    * 내용 :

    * 리뷰 작성시 유의사항

    글이나 이미지/사진 저작권 등 다른 사람의 권리를 침해하거나 명예를 훼손하는 게시물은 이용약관 및 관련법률에 의해 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.

    1. 특히 뉴스/언론사 기사를 전문 또는 부분적으로 '허락없이' 갖고 와서는 안됩니다 (출처를 밝히는 경우에도 안됨).
    2. 저작권자의 허락을 받지 않은 콘텐츠의 무단 사용은 저작권자의 권리를 침해하는 행위로, 이에 대한 법적 책임을 지게 될 수 있습니다.

    오탈자 등록

    * 도서명 :
    Designing and Programming CICS Applications
    * 구분 :
    * 상품 버전
    종이책 PDF ePub
    * 페이지 :
    * 위치정보 :
    * 내용 :

    도서 인증

    Designing and Programming CICS Applications
    부가기호 안내

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    * 도서인증은 일 3권, 월 10권, 년 50권으로 제한되며 절판도서, eBook 등 일부 도서는 인증이 제한됩니다.

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